
The Health Care Rhetoric Can't Fool a Rhetoric Major

For months, I have notoriously pondered the benefit and worth of my degree. I majored in English, and focused specifically on Writing & Rhetoric. I am a slightly better writer, and can analyze any rhetoric with precision and significant elaboration. After listening to the Democrats argue for the Health Care Bill at a meeting this afternoon, I fully appreciate that graduating from a 4-year institution with a major in Writing & Rhetoric has worsened my bullshit allergy. I realize that, whether the rhetoric comes from corporate documents or out of politician's mouths, I am even harder to fool/persuade than I already was!

But, I'm not going to bash in the reader's skull with the typical talking points against the current Health Care Reform model. The overused, worn-out and angry rhetoric can be found on a Right Wing blog elsewhere, or on a FOX News segment. I'm also not going to smother the reader with soap box rhetoric that pusillanimously masks logistics completely. If one wants a box of tissues, a "kumbaya" circle and a good cry, such rhetoric can be found on a Commie Bleeding Heart Pinko blog elsewhere, or in one of President Soetoro's &/or Speaker Botox's progressive platitudes.

Rather, I am more interested in the basic logistics. More specifically, I am more interested in the mathematics, the timing and the government control.

I am not a Mathematician, by any means. But, basic logistics indicates that the current economic state of the nation cannot afford a budget that started out at $700 Billion, and grew up to $1.2 Trillion. The problem boils down to the reality of those Capitol Hill fat cats in suits resting comfortably in their litter boxes, with complete disregard for any financial accountability &/or consideration whatsoever for their projects and bills. The reason for the disregard is the kitty-cats don't assume the financial responsibility for the often pork-laden, expensive bills and projects. Rather, the burden weighs heavily on the people of the United States, who (sometimes in the blinding light of gullibility) hired the furry critters to legislate in the best interest of voters. Because the felines in need of spaying do not assume the financial burden, they are not concerned with mathematics at all. When people are either clinging to their jobs and living within a tight budget, or desperately seeking jobs, the bill is financially unsustainable and flares tempers. Such umbrage over the legislation is strongly taken, because the mathematics directly burden the American people. Those concerned with, or can do, the mathematics know the legislation overreaches any possible sustainability in the current recession.

Those concerned with, or can do, the mathematics also know the timing of the legislation is downright illogical and horrible. With the unemployment rate spiking at 10.2%, and the employed (likely) clinging to their jobs with hope (and fear), the notion that forcing Health Care on Americans is stupendously preposterous. Even more preposterous is the spanking that Big Brother awaits to give anyone who does not accept the public option, and/or have coverage otherwise. An expensive fine, or even jail time, awaits any person who doesn't comply. The compliance may not even be voluntary, because Health Care is expensive, and most cannot afford it. Yet, the idea and consequence that the same people who can't afford it can afford such a fine and/or jail time is even more staggering and imbecilic than the budget's mathematics. Such consequences are not only outlandish, but very poorly timed. The worst part about both the queer mathematics and grotesque timing is the fact that such harsh, dry sodomy is performed without a courteous reach-around. The sodomy is selfish, and for control.

Control over the entire Health Care system by the government is savagely sidesplitting. Never mind the proverbial cynicism and disdain for having another set of parents, as that shtick is a signature and perfection of the World Super Heavyweight Weeping Champion, Glenn "Get off My Phone" Beck. Rather, the idea of government control boils down to one sole but alarming example of such farcicality: the government's handling of H1N1. If the government cannot adequately supply a remedy for the flu, how can the government possibly handle and supply an entire system of Health Care?

What's the solution?

Improve the economy, and put the unfortunate 10.2% back to work. Then, eliminate the current peons from Capitol Hill by electing logically-based political figures.

However, considering the current crop of peons, elimination is likely needed before the economy can improve.

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