
The State of the Union's Mathematics: The Deficit

Earlier tonight, President Soetoro outlined his course of action regarding the economy. For well over an hour, Barry served his course of action in the form of a feel-good subway sandwich; made with platitudes, emotional appeals, various proposals, shifty Mathematics and an insistence for "bi-partisanship." Of course, it doesn't require the X-Ray vision of Superman to reveal the underlying definition, tone and motive of Barry's "bi-partisanship": forgo your principles, and get on board with precisely what I (Soetoro) want.

Please forgive the elaboration on "bi-partisanship." Most are already well aware of the skewered sense of "bi-partisanship," the platitudes and the various proposals in Barry's subway sandwich. Some are even capable of recognizing, and (therefore) not buying into, Barry's emotional appeals.

But, never mind the aforementioned ingredients. The ingredient that necessitates heavy minding is the shifty Mathematics; they are the most repugnant and critical ingredient of Barry's feel-good subway sandwich. Those with even the slightest sense of economics recognize that the government's solution to print money and create credit out of thin air is a flawed method from the start. The method produces astronomically catastrophic results, and forces the already overweight shape of the current deficit and national debt into obesity.

In the interest of specificity, no Mathematical conclusion from Obama was more repugnant, non-sensible and shifty than the notion that "our approach would bring down the deficit by as much as $1 trillion over the next two decades."

For several reasons, the notion is flawed. The current, as well as the projected numbers, elaborate on the notion's flawed stench. Namely, out of 126 countries, the United States' public debt ranks the 27th highest. In addition, the U.S. budget indicates that the debt will increase $1 trillion per year over the next decade. With this indication in mind, another side note to consider is that the total debt of Third World countries (in 1990 alone) was $1 Trillion. Yet, the United States' debt is expected to increase by $1 Trillion per year!

Even more bedazzling, according to the White House's Budget Schedule, the United States' debt is projected to reach up to $18.4 Trillion. Because of the government's current fiscal policies, the deficit in 2009 alone reached up to $1.84 Trillion. Assuming the government persists with its grotesque, print money out-of-air fiscal philosophy, at least a few more trillion dollars will be tacked onto the deficit.

Therefore, the notion that the United States' deficit will be trimmed down by $1 Trillion within the next two decades seems like a very moot point. With the way fiscal policies are heading, the deficit will possibly far exceed the current (estimated) $1.84 Trillion deficit over the next two decades. As a result, the notion that trimming $1 Trillion off an increasing two-decade deficit is about as much of a bold, revolutionary accomplishment as eliminating one out of two dozen cancer cells.

One cancer cell may be decimated, but there are still 23 cells remaining. I'm pretty sure they're still cancerous, and can do a hell of a lot more harm!

But, that's assuming one entire cell is decimated in the first place. According to the CBO, the Health Care bill wouldn't reduce the deficit by $1 Trillion over the next two decades; the Health Care bill would reduce the deficit by a mere $132 billion over the next decade alone. But, over two decades, the reduction would possibly approach only $500 billion.

I'm not an economics expert/genius per say, but the Mathematics do not add up the same way that Soetoro's Mathematics adds up on his chalk board of hope and change.

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